If there is something weird in your neighbourhood

We are surrounded by (urban) architecture. Whether created centuries ago or newly designed, the built forms shape not only our everyday lives, but our entire lives. Shaped by the norms of a patriarchal, heteronormative social system in which architecture is created, it reflects these structures and thus also provides a supposed order. But, … if there is something weird in your neighbourhood.

If there is something weird in your neighbourhood

QueerMuseumVienna @ Volkskundemuseum Wien

Works by Alfred Rottensteiner are on display from Wed, 12.01.2022 to Sun, 06.02.2022

We are surrounded by (urban) architecture. Whether created centuries ago or newly designed, the built forms shape not only our everyday lives, but our entire lives. Shaped by the norms of a patriarchal, heteronormative social system in which architecture is created, it reflects these structures and thus also provides a supposed order. But, … if there is something weird in your neighbourhood.

An image of an abstract painting by Alfred Rottensteiner "If there's something weird in your neighbourhood" from 2021 that was exhibited at Volksundemuseum Wien at an exhibition organized by Queeres Museum Wien, 2022 / Ein Bild eines abstrakten Gemäldes von Alfred Rottensteiner "Wenn etwas Unheimliches in deiner Nachbarschaft ist" aus dem Jahr 2021, das im Volksundemuseum Wien im Rahmen einer vom Queeres Museum Wien organisierten Ausstellung ausgestellt wurde, 2022
Alfred Rottensteiner “If there’s something weird in your neighbourhood”, 2021

What if queer people had designed and built the architecture that surrounds us all? What structures and forms of order would we live in? The baroque garden palace provides an interesting setting for the experimental arrangement here: a house with windows, roller blinds, a garden with lawn and houseplants are not to be missed.

Multimedia art by Alfred Rottensteiner

In his multimedia exhibition, Alfred Rottensteiner counteracts recognised aesthetics and builds his queer living architecture, mows the artificial lawn and thus brings “nature” into the house. Here, he deliberately flirts with the classic home of the Austrian nuclear family. Between vanitas and joie de vivre, a shamanic power animal rests in the centre: the crocodile. It lets the gaze wander into the metaphorical distance and, in its function as an “animal that helps to get over something”, also questions the hegemonic demands of our western (building) society.

Under the façade, things are seething and the “ruling” coating that suppresses diversity is crumbling.

Curation: Daniela Hahn & Andrea Lehsiak, The DODO Project. Büro für Ausstellung

Opening: Di, 11.1.2022, Soft Opening from 12.00 to 17.00
Exhibition talks: Sat, 15.1.2022, 14.00 und Tue, 25.1.2022, 16.00

Thur, 27.1.2022, 19.00

Alfred Rottensteiner’s website

Information about the Queer Museum Vienna