Finissage History Hustory*, Performance evening “Vagabonda”, Goodbye – Party Volkskundemuseum
Sa 19th August, 17:00h 22:00h, Volkskundemuseum Wien
A summer night with and by kreolex zentre, Lívia Páldi, Alexandru Coșarcă, Hannah Binder, Milan Loviška, Zosia Hołubowska and LA GEORGETTA
17:00 Start, bar & music in the court yard (not the garden! ;))
17:30 curator’s tour through the exhibition History Hustory*
18:30 “Vagabonda” performance program, curated by Alexandru Cosarca
&“TRIBUTE TO EVERYONE” by Kreolex zentre
After exciting six months, we say goodbye to the Volkskundemuseum Wien and set off for new shores. We want to celebrate this time of transition, the end of our beautiful exhibition and the departure from the Volkskundemuseum with you. For this, we have invited Alexandru Coșarcă to curate the evening – The programme “Vagabonda” is an attempt of remembering and searching through performance, video, acting and sound. Where are all the queer people from Romania and the Carpathian region? What remains of Vlad Tepes, Ceaușescu and dragosta din tei?
Furthermore, kreolex zentre, which is also part of the History Hustory* exhibition, will show the performance “TRIBUTE TO EVERYONE”.
Not only will you have the opportunity to see the current History Hustory* exhibition for the last time, but there will also be a curator’s tour with Lívia Páldi, who will give you an exciting insight into the creation process.
And last but surely not least, THANK YOU Volkskundemuseum Wien for this wonderful collaboration and the many many support you have given to us.
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