The Body at Play – Workshop – Axe Carving with Wood/ Crochet with Fabric Scraps
30th June, 2pm, Volkskundemuseum Wien
please register under
A workshop with and by Vinko Nino Jaeger and Wilhelm Binder
The workshop consists of two parts (wood or textile) that take place simultaneously, each person works individually on their own piece.
Wood workshop with Vinko Nino Jaeger:
We will follow the path of the body and carve figurative or abstract body objects out of wood. These objects will be given wheels so that they can be driven like a toy. First we will make a sketch of the presented body-object and then transform this into wood. The workshop offers an introduction to wood sculpting using the technique of carving with an axe.

Textile workshop with Wilhelm Binder:
Crochet is a special craft: there is no machine that can replace this technique. Therefore, each piece is unique. In the workshop we focus on making-techniques of sculptural forms – How do I crochet limbs, a head, a torso? How do I connect the individual parts to form a body? Whether animal or fantasy creature – at the end we have something self-made in our hands.
Info for both workshops:
Participation free of charge. No previous experience necessary. Material will be provided. Workshops are held in German. Barrier-free access and toilet.
Duration: four hours
Maximum number of participants: 4 persons (wood) / 10 persons (textile)
There is the possibility to place the works in the current exhibition “History Hustory* /Museum of Self-Care” until 19 August.
Registration at
Please provide the following info:
*Phone number (for reminder SMS and confirmation)
*Workshop wood or textile
Please only register if you really want to participate. If you register and then do not come to the workshop, you have deprived someone else of the opportunity to take part in the workshop. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing you,
This workshop is supported by