Apopocalyptical politics – QAnus Procession, VerDragt Euch Vol. 5 and Hor 29. Novembar Concert
a free program for all
Su . 2.6.2024, 18h, QUEER MUSEUM VIENNA
Otto Wagner Areal, former “Direktion”, Stiege 2, Hochparterre,
Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Vienna
Apolitical apocalypse or hyper-political ride to heaven – we start pride month with a spectacle of political tactics and persiflage. The Hor 29 Novembar, Milan Loviška & Otto Krause (Territorium KV) and NARZSISSY & friends (VerDragt Euch!) will be performing in the Otto Wagner Areal around the Queer Museuem Vienna. Loud and proud we go outside and conquer the public space, counter the political backlash with a huge portion of humor and polyphony and hold up a mirror to the queerphobic parts of society. We warmly welcome everyone! Together we are many, together we are more!
Deep within the global power structure, a mysterious cult known as QAnus is said to wield unprecedented influence over world events. Legend has it that ancient manuscripts hidden in isolated saunas, bathhouses, and forgotten cruising caves contain knowledge of an otherworldly energy source located deep within the human body. A group of queer elites have discovered this transcendental power, known as the Potestas Rectalis, in the human rectum. These enigmatic figures allegedly harness this power through the mystical art of anal meditation (Mystica Meditatio Ani).
Conspiracy theorists claim that QAnus has infiltrated governments, corporations, and influential organizations worldwide. Members are believed to hold key positions in politics, finance, science and media, using their insider knowledge to dominate globally. Supposedly, they manipulate news and entertainment content to subtly promote anal meditation, preparing the masses for the revelation of the movement’s true power. The induction process into QAnus reportedly involves bizarre ceremonies that test commitment to ensure only the queerest individuals advance.
The public appearance of QAnus followers will occur during a procession at Otto Wagner Areal. Artists Milan Loviška and Otto Krause will officially induct the flag into the Queer Museum Vienna. Everyone is welcome to join the parade and experience the cult’s magical power and its orgasmic energy.
Concept: Otto Krause
Flag design and realization: Otto Krause
Costume and performance: Otto Krause and Milan Loviška
A Production of Territorium KV

QANUS – credits Otto Krause
VerdDragt Euch Vol. 5
A queer mess to divinity
Are we the Divine? Are we? Maybe – almost sure – we are!
From the abyss to all reflections, we shine through time and space. Throughout all negativity a prolapse is rising. It’s gaping gaze is starring at the proclaimed ruling but always only slaughtering structures of ISMS. This gaze is here to fill all the gaps with everything so proclaimed filth.
Filth it up. Drag Yourselves out. And praise ‘em! Praise Yourselves in queerness!
While You see us colliding. Starring in a fever dream. Hallucinating between and far away from any order of our daily live – as if we had eaten up wet ass pants and cracks of mirrors. See daffodils blossom in Your eyes. Hear the echoes of their whisper; bursting out to make everyone feel love. The love of a back slash whiplashing eye.
See us dragged out. And be part of our mess.
See the moving parts of Jama Supreme, Lady NutJob, Sheezus H. Christin, The Discount Liquor, Storm and Karl Klit.
Mess with us and You be messed up.
Cringy greetings,
Your beloved priestess
and bird of pray

HOR 29 NOVEMBAR has existed since 2009 as an open collective where anyone who loves to sing revolutionary, workers’ and partisan songs together can join in. No special singing talent is required. The choir will present a very diverse repertoire that gives voice to different communities and groups that are marginalized but proudly fight for their rights around the world – from fighters in Kurdistan to queer comrades from the Balkans to local historical struggles – celebrate them loudly with us!

Hor 29. Novembar – credits Miro Kenan
Free admission
Donations are welcome.
made possible by:
WASt – Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für LGBTIQ-Angelegenheiten

Kulturkomission 14. District, Penzing: